The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning

2000 - N4

European Language Portfolio II
Das europäische Sprachenportfolio II
Il Portfolio europeo delle lingue II
Le Portfolio européen des langues II
Il Portfolio europeic da las linguas II

Responsabile di redazione per il tema:
Verantwortliche für den thematischen Teil:
Responsable de rédaction pour le thème:
Responsabel per la part tematica:

Rolf Schärer


The challenges for the European Language Portfolio (ELP) /Portfolio Européen des Langues (PEL): quelques défis
Joseph Sheils

Der standardisierte paneuropäische Sprachenpass für Erwachsene
Christoph Flügel

Validation of ELP models
Pavel Cink

Portfolio-oriented foreign language education and the teacher's professional development
Viljo Kohonen

Die Entwicklung der Schweizer Version des ELP
Günther Schneider

Le PEL, valeur ajoutée au dossier de candidature?
Simone Fehlmann

The EAQUALS-ALTE Adults' Version of the ELP
Peter Brown

Das ESP im Hochschulbereich Brigitte
Forster Vosicki


Das Europäische Sprachenportfolio in Österreich
Wernfried Krieger, Adelheid Mangold-Renner, Daniela Weitensfelder


Der Beitrag von Erprobungen zur Portfolio-Entwicklung
Peter Lenz

Portfolio européen des langues, une expérience neuchâteloise
Sonja Vaucher de la Croix

Curiosité et méfianceé et des aspects qui séduisent
Tanja Jerman

Some comments on the ELP, primarily for potential users in Swiss Technical Schools
John Kidner

Kohärenz und Transparenz im Benoten der mündlichen Kommunikation
Hans-Peter Hodel

Lernbegleiter - compagnon de route - compagno di viaggio - companion to language learning
Leo Koch

Sprachenportfolio und Beurteilung der Kompetenzen
Ida Bertschy

L'introduzione del PEL nelle scuole professsionali in Ticino
Pia Gilardi-Frech


Learners' self-assessment in the ELP: a tool for communication in education
Radka Perclová

Children's motivation from the Language Portfolio
Jana Hindlsová

Selbstevaluation im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht
Milena Zbranková


Portfolio européen des langues: pour une exploitation réussie
André Clément

Mon premier Portfolio des langues: Bilan pratique de l'expérimentation
Christine Tagliante


Portfolio: istruzioni per l'uso
Catherine Pétillon


Politique de l'enseignement des langues en Hongrie
Gábor Boldizsár

Experiences in Hungary with the ELP in a minority language
Piroska Gyöngyösi, Irén Majercsik Tóthné

Se connaître, se présenter et s'ouvrir aux autres
Zsuzsanna Dembrovszky

Partenaires de la réussite
Zsuzsa Darabos


Using the ELP in English language programmes for immigrants to Ireland
Barbara Lazenby Simpson, David Little


The evaluation of the Dutch pilot
Joke Alkema, Jelle Kaldewaij, Jan van Tartwijk

Facilitating a ELP: the multilingual classroom in the Netherlands
Peter Broeder


Psychological aspects of introducing the ELP into the school community
Volgina Maria Nikolayevna

The Role of the ELP in the System of School Education
Yurova N.A.

Perspektiven der Benutzung des Sprachenportfolios im System unserer Lehrerfortbildung
Galina Sawonitschewa

Le programme de pilotage dans la région de Nijni -Novgorod
Olga G. Oberemko


The ELP in Slovenia: our experience and perspectives
Ana Dovzan Troha

The Student Language Portfolio project
Katja Dragar, Petra Zaransek, Bernarda Kosem


What do we think of the Junior European Language Portfolio?
Patricia McLagan

Report on the European Portfolio Pilot for Adult and Vocational Language Learning
John Thorogood 

BLOC NOTES - L'angolo delle recensioni

BLOC NOTES -  Attualità linguistiche - Actualités des langues - Sprachen aktuell

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After Babylonia Number 1/1999 this is the second issue devoted to the European Language Portfolio. It is a collection of articles written by practitioners at the turning point from experimentation to implementation. Over the last three years some 30000 learners and close to 2000 teachers in 15 member states of the Council of Europe experimented with a variety of language portfolio models. During this time the European Language Portfolio has proven itself a valid and innovative pedagogic tool. The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education of the Council of Europe adopted a Resolution recommending the implementation and wide use of the European Language Portfolio in October 2000. Several countries will introduce an ELP into their educational systems in 2001, the European Year of Languages.
Much has been written about the goals and concepts of the European Language Portfolio. Here are just a few of the key statements:
• The rich heritage of diverse languages and cultures in Europe is a valuable common resource to be protected and developed.
• A major educational effort is needed to convert that diversity from a barrier to communication into a source of mutual enrichment and understanding.
• In the ELP all competence is valued. It belongs to the learner.
• The ELP is based on a common framework and on common principles and has to be seen in the context of the wider needs of society and education.
• The political feasibility depends on the value decision-making authorities place on the ELP.
• The European character of the ELP is highly valued by a large proportion of learners and teachers.

The authors of this issue were asked to write about their experience, feelings and views from a personal perspectives. What came together is a fascinating mosaic of articles reflecting life in different settings and roles. Shining through are different perceptions, pre-occupations, ways of dealing with chances and challenges.
As general rapporteur for the ELP pilot projects I was often confronted with conflicting statements and reports. While I found this initially difficult I soon learnt to appreciate alternative, often unexpected solutions which helped reconcile differences. Co-operation, particularly international co-operation, truly seems to yield benefits.

Rolf Schärer


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