La Rivista per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue

Promoting Linguistic Diversity in School


Antoinette Camilleri Grima

Schools are important institutions where linguistic diversity can, and should be, valued and promoted. There are myriad ways of moving closer to achieving this goal. Here we present three sets of simple guidelines that the school can use to assess and improve its stance in line with this goal: (1) Gather all the information relevant to linguistic and cultural diversity in and around the school (School Profile); (2) Assess and look for possibilities for staff development; and (3) Prepare a priority list of initiatives that enhance the school’s ethos (Products and Processes).

1 School Profile
There has to be a school vision that embraces the community and one that views its partners as resources. Here are some suggestions about the type of information that is relevant in putting together a school language profile. This is a way of taking stock of a school’s linguistic assets and challenges. [...]

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