Claudia Strambini | |
ThéâtrEvasion (or TheaterFlucht) is a project by SCI Switzerland, a non-profit organisation engaged in the management of international voluntary projects, with the aim of promoting positive peace, non-violent resolution of conflicts, social equity and sustainable development. The project intends to build bridges between volunteers, Swiss, foreign, refugee and asylum-seeking children, through theatre and circus activities, games, music and painting. This project features a notable wealth of linguistic backgrounds, which is promoted by including the different languages in the activities. Language diversity also becomes an incentive to find new ways of communicating and expressing oneself. Since its planning, ThéâtrEvasion has adopted the theatrical language and games as chosen tools to overcome language, cultural and emotional barriers, through body language, enthusiasm to learn new things and the will to create something together. | Lanciato nel 2009, in collaborazione con il centro socioculturale giovanile Dynamo a Zurigo, e successivamente introdotto in diverse città svizzere, il progetto ThéâtrEvasion (o TheaterFlucht) è un’iniziativa dello SCI Svizzera, organizzazione che dagli anni ’90 conduce progetti per i richiedenti asilo in partenariato con i centri d’accoglienza del Paese. Come gli altri progetti dello SCI, ThéâtrEvasion permette a persone provenienti da ambienti e culture diversi di dedicarsi ad una causa o un progetto comuni, facilitando così la conoscenza reciproca e la comprensione che sono alla base di un percorso di pace positiva – obiettivo ultimo dello SCI. |
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