Immersion et production orale
Didier Maillat | |
Abstract This paper looks at the spoken production observed in immersion classrooms. In particular, it focuses on the recurrent claim that spoken production is not significantly influenced by immersive programmes. It shows that whereas some interactions can indeed be seen as limited, others – like role-play activities – demonstrate advanced communicative and discursive skills in the spoken production. Furthermore, it is argued that the kind of positive impact observed in role-play is a consequence of a pragmatic effect (the mask effect) generated by the immersive environment, whereby students are more able to focus exclusively on the discursive task at hand which constitutes an advantage in spoken production. Finally, a claim is made that such a pragmatic effect constitutes a generally enhancing factor in second language learning as it facilitates the identity construction process. | Résumé Le présent article se propose d’interroger certains mécanismes précis de la première composante mentionnée ci-dessus et de proposer une hypothèse théorique susceptible de rendre compte des spécificités des processus d’acquisition de la compétence en langue parlée dans les classes en immersion. |
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