Guidelines for contributors
BABYLONIA is a journal created to help foster an exchange of ideas on language teaching between those working 'on the ground' and those involved in research. To this end, the editorial staff has chosen to emphasise articles which relate to practical teaching experience and research, presented in a way which is accessible even to the non-academic reader. We ask, therefore, that the authors of these articles use clear language and give concrete examples or usable materials where possible. We trust that they will respect the following guidelines.
General information
• Clear, easily comprehensible language
• Concrete examples - in the text or in boxes - are welcome
• About 4-5 pages, including illustrations, graphs etc. (1 page corresponds roughly to 4000-4500 characters, including spaces)
• Send texts by e-mail as Word file (MAC / Windows)
Presentation of the articles (layout)
• 12 pt.
• Bold type, italics, or quotation marks can be used to highlight words / passages; please use them consistently throughout the text
• Unnecessary formatting should be avoided
• Subheadings can be numbered up to a maximum of two digits (1.; 1.1; 2.; 2.2; …)
• Charts and diagrams are to be kept simple, special needs concerning the layout need to be indicated
• Photos are to be sent separately (JPG, PDF or TIF, with a resolution of 300 dpi), the part where they are to be inserted in the text needs to be specified
Bibliography, quotations and notes
• Footnotes and the bibliography should be limited to what is considered essential (the reading audience is from the educational context)
• Footnotes should be placed at the end of the text
• Any texts quoted in the article must appear in the bibliography
• Some examples of a bibliographical reference within the text:
- (Rossi, 1989: 88)
- (Meissner & Reinfried, 1998)
- (Meissner & Reinfried, 1998: 88)
• Some examples for bibliographical references at the end of the text:
- Perregaux, Ch. et al. [Dirs] (2003). EOLE. Education et ouverture aux langues à l'école. Neuchâtel: CIIP, 2 volumes.
- Ellis, N. C. (1998). Emergentism, Connectionism, and Language Learning. Language Learning, 48 (4), 631-664.
- Krechel, H.-L. (1998). Sprachliches Lernen im bilingualen Unterricht: Ein Vehikel zur Mehrsprachigkeit. In: F.-J. Meissner & M. Reinfried (Hrsg), Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, pp. 121-130.
• The author should select a sentence or main idea that he/she would like to be highlighted alongside the article
Summary of the content
• Every article needs to be accompanied by a brief summary of its content (maximum 1350 characters, including spaces)
• The summary is to be written in the language used in the article itself and, if possible, translated into another language (Fr./ Engl./ Germ./ Ital./ Romansh, preferably of a different language family)
• If desired, the translation (maximum 1350 characters, including spaces) can be written by the editorial staff of BABYLONIA
• The translations appear along with the article in the magazine; the summaries and their translations are published online.
Biographical information and address
• A small, 5-6-line presentation of the contributor is desired
• The author provides the postal and e-mail addresses to be published in the impressum
• Any corrections to be made – after having received a proof copy in PDF format – should be made directly in the PDF file, as clearly as possible, and sent by e-mail within the deadline.
Complimentary copies for the author
• Authors will receive 3 copies of the issue containing their article. They also have the right of a free one-year subscription of BABYLONIA. The PDF version of their article can be downloaded directly from the website.
• When submitting an article, authors certify that the text submitted belongs to them, that it has not been published elsewhere (in part or in full) and that it is free of rights. They also undertake not to infringe upon the rights of any third parties.
• Authors who wish to make a pdf version of their article available on the internet should make a request to the editorial office. Under no circumstances can an article be made available before the next issue is published.
• The articles are protected by copyright. However, republishing is generally acceptable as long as (1) the author and the editorial staff of BABYLONIA agree, and (2) the source is clearly mentioned. A copy of the newly-published article must be sent to both the author and the original publisher.
Contacting the editorial office
Coordinator: Mathias Picenoni (mathias.picenoni@)
The journal is published by the Fondation Langues et Cultures
The address of the editorial office is:
BABYLONIA, Piazza Nosetto 3, CH-6500 Bellinzona
Tel. 0041 (0)91 8401143
Fax 0041 (0)91 8401144