Curiosità linguistiche
Smallness everywhere
Hans Weber | The Old Greek adjective mikrós has got a second life in our modern languages, as a prefixoid, that is a kind of prefix, micro-, mikro-, conveying the idea of smallness. However, it has got a competitor, the prefixoid mini-, whose sound-structure is more expressive. – Together, micro- and mini- account for well over a thousand neologisms: microwave, micro-climate, microfilm, etc. / minivan, minigolf, minijob, etc. They belong to the fast growing group of words typical of today’s international language comprising part of Europe plus the English, Iberian and French speaking worlds. Most of these words are “uniform”: microcosmos, microcosmo, microcosme, Mikrokosmos…, while others are translated, but easily recognizable as the ‘same“ word: mini-jupe (the word that is said to have started the “mini-craze” about 1965), mini-skirt, minigonna, minifalda. |
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